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Coffe Painting Workshop (F2F)

Do your own coffee painting on A4 Canvas.

Duration : 2-3hr

Canvas board cost is included in pricing

200 SEK 

Note: you will be provided with list of pictures to choose from

Acrylic Painting

workshop (F2F)

Do your own acrylic painting on A4 Canvas

Duration :  2-3h

Canvas board cost is included in pricing

200 SEK

Note: you will be provided with list of pictures to choose from

Customized Paintings

Price vary depends on the picture you provide and size.



Glass Painting workshop (F2F)

Do painting over glass material like bottles (less than 15cm height and 5cm dia) or in frames less than A4.

Duration  : 2 - 3h

200 SEK


  • we reuse bottles from baby food like Semphor, Nestle etc.

  • Glass frame cost not included as its price varies time to time

  •  you will be provided with list of pictures to choose from

Water Colour Shading basic techniques (F2F & Online)

Learn to do water color shading basic techniques. 

Duration : 2 - 3h

  • F2F we will provide coloring sheets

  • Online class please make sure to have good colouring sheet

200 SEK


Customized T shirt Paintings

Price vary depends on the picture you provide and size.



Duration mentioned is the total duration we will spend during the class, you may have to work in your home depends on the painting.

Duration will spread over multiple days

There will be other types of painting classes as well based on request. Please go through my works listed in  "Previous Art work" and follow our FB 

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